Resources for Women in Film, Television, & Media
Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media
The Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media works collaboratively within the entertainment industry to engage, educate and influence the creation of gender balanced onscreen portrayals, reducing harmful stereotypes and creating an abundance of unique and intersectional female characters in entertainment targeting children 11 and under.
Center for the Study of Women in Television and Film
The Center for the Study of Women in Television and Film at San Diego State University is home to the longest running and most comprehensive studies of women in film and television. Dedicated to producing extensive and timely research, studies generated by the Center provide the foundation for a realistic and meaningful discussion of women’s on-screen representation and behind-the-scenes employment.
Annenberg Inclusion Initiative
The Annenberg Inclusion Initiative is the leading think tank in the world studying diversity and inclusion in entertainment through original research and sponsored projects. Beyond research, the Annenberg Inclusion Initiative develops targeted, research-based solutions to tackle inequality.
Bechdel Test
The Bechdel Test is a simple test which names the following three criteria: (1) it has to have at least two women in it, who (2) who talk to each other, about (3) something besides a man.
WOmen in Film Los Angeles
Women In Film, Los Angeles (WIF LA) advocates for and advances the careers of women working in the screen industries—to achieve parity and transform culture.
Women in Film and Media Colorado
Women in Film and Media Colorado is a non-profit organization committed to uniting, educating, and empowering women media makers and their community by providing resources, networking and educational programs, and by actively pursuing equitable treatment and opportunities for women.
New Mexico Women in Film
New Mexico Women in Film is a New Mexico-based outreach network committed to the professional development and achievement of women in the film and television community through Mentorship, Networking, Education, and Community.
Women in Film and Television Atlanta
WIFTA is dedicated to improving the status and portrayal of women in film, television, video and other screen-based media by offering opportunities for media makers to connect, create, champion and inspire.
New York Women in Film and Television
New York Women in Film & Television (NYWIFT) advocates for equality in the moving image industry and supports women in every stage of their careers. As the preeminent entertainment industry association for women in New York, NYWIFT energizes women by illuminating their achievements, presenting training and professional development programs, awarding scholarships and grants, and providing access to a supportive community of peers.
Women in Film & Television - Toronto
WIFT-T is a member-based organization of enthusiastic people committed to the development and advancement of women in the screen-based industry.
WOmen in Film and Television Vancouver
Women In Film and Television Vancouver (WIFTV) is a member driven organization committed to addressing the systemic barriers to women’s equal participation in the production and dissemination of screen-based media, and to the creation of a more inclusive media for both creators and audiences.
Women in Film and Television INternational
WIFTI is a global network dedicated to advancing professional development and achievement for women working in all areas of film, video and other screen-based media.
Black Women Film Network
The Black Women Film Network (BWFN) was founded to prepare black women to enter the film and television industries.
Alliance of Women Directors
Alliance of Women Directors was founded for women as a community of peers to share information and support one another’s career advancement.
Film Fatales
Film Fatales supports an inclusive community of women feature film and television directors who meet regularly to share resources, collaborate on projects and build an environment in which to make their films.
Cinematographers XX
Cinematographers XX is a group of professional cinematographers whose work spreads across narrative, documentary, commercial and music video genres.
Women at Sundance
Women at Sundance continues to discover, spotlight, and forge ways for women to succeed as storytellers who shape our cultural landscape.
Coaching for Women in Film by Kitsplit
There are not enough women in film and video. We want to help fix that. Sign up for a call with a mentor of your choice.
Women’s Voices Now
Women’s Voices Now (WVN) connects filmmakers, activists, and decision makers dedicated to guaranteeing women’s and girls’ full access to their political, economic, and civil rights.
Women in the Arts & Media Coalition
The Women in the Arts & Media Coalition combines our member organizations' abilities and strengths, focusing on issues of concern to women in the arts and media. We are committed to being the link between our member organizations as we collaborate to empower women in our industry through advocacy, mentoring, networking, and events.
Women and Hollywood
WAH educates, Advocates, and Agitates for Gender Diversity and Inclusion in Hollywood and the Global Film Industry